Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's offical

I got served my divorce papers yesterday. I am not sad about it. The person who served me is a friend of Dawns, and all things considering, it was nice to see her again. She is one of the few of Dawn's friends that I actually liked. We chatted for a few minutes yesterday after business was taken care of about what my options are now. I have no plans on fighting this. We verbally agreed on everything so there were no surprises in the papers. I am now technically a single person. The only thing I can't do is get married. I don't plan on doing that again any time soon.

This is the first weekend I've spent alone in awhile. So far the boredom hasn't killed me. I've just been reading, playing my bass and watching movies.
The single life ain't to bad I suppose.

And for those of you that keep track of my Facebook page, I decided to keep Molly the jerk cat around. She's still a baby, she will grow out of it.


shaunna said...

you have a wonderful attitude about it all. that will go a long way... gald you're keeping pp kitty around. She will turn into a great companion... that kitten stage is just rough, but sure is cute.

Unknown said...

Hopefully each day will get easier for you...And so glad you are keeping kitty around. She really does LOVE you! Kittens, puppies, and babies...we gotta get through alt before they start behaving.

sloan said...

I thought about you Saturday. I'm glad it wasn't so bad. Enjoy the single life, I doubt you'll stay that way for long!

(I'm glad to hear Molly is getting another chance. little f***er)!